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  • Builder Eric: Mold And Condensation Problems With Log Cabins

    So What About Mold? If there is one thing to tell you about mold, it is that it loves moisture. Exposure to natural elements can cause moisture problems that can in turn lead to mold. If moisture is present due to a leak or it seeps into a surface like wood, mold can grow easily. Mold can therefore become present in log cabins for this reason. So What About Condensation? Log cabins are created from a natural product, in the wood and timbers used. Depending on the treatment that has been used on the wood, these timbers can naturally increase and decrease in size throughout the seasons. This is also dependent on the climate; as the climate around it changes, the moisture in the cabin changes. Think about when you are at home on a cold day. The outside is cold, but you have built up the… (More)
  • Home Garden: Things Everyone Needs to Know

    Tending a home garden is an enjoyable pastime enjoyed by many around the world. It provides a sense of autonomy, as well as delicious fruits, veggies, and herbs! Do you want to start your own garden at home? Here is our list of things everyone needs to know. 11 Tips for Your Very Own Home Garden Tip #1: Know Your Plant’s Personality What does your plant need? Before doing anything, it’s important to research the conditions under which your favourite vegetable grows! Just as important, make sure you can meet these conditions! If you don’t, you will most likely end up with disappointing results. Tip #2: Sunlight is Necessary The key is knowing how much sun your plants need, and how much you can give. This usually depends on the time of year, position of your home, and placement of your ya… (More)
  • Customer John's residential cabin

    The golden goal is pleasing your client, but to get a client that is ecstatic with the product is fabulous. Cabins can make a huge different to people’s spaces and the way this allows them to enjoy their life, but choosing the right one is essential. James came to us with a few ideas about what he wanted from his cabin; he wanted to use it year-round and have two storeys. These were concerning him as he wasn’t sure that a wooden building could be used other than for a few months in the summer and he was worried about planning permission. These fears almost put him off completely. However, we were able to put his fears to rest pretty quickly. As with many of our two storey cabins, they comply with all required building regulations already. This meant that James could have a great choice an… (More)
  • Trees Near A Log Cabin - The Things You Need To Know

    A log cabin adds natural beauty to your outdoors and trees help you enhance this aesthetic. Knowing what trees are ideal for planting near a log cabin and where to place them affects how well the trees blend in with your home. If well done, not only will the result be a breathtaking landscape, you will also add value to your cabin. Additionally, trees provide shade for those days when the temperatures get uncomfortably high. They also offer privacy, allowing you to enjoy your outdoors without fear that someone could be watching you. Furthermore, they serve to break the speed of the wind, thus minimizing the adverse effects of strong winds on log cabins. Birds too will flock to your outdoors in numbers, and if you enjoy bird-watching, you can do so from the comfort of your own home. How b… (More)
  • Builder Eric: Water Ingress and Log Cabin Treatment

    Water ingress is the entry of water to the inside of your building. This is a highly undesirable thing to happen as it can irreparably damage your space and cost a lot of money to repair or replace. It is easy to say that there can be different reasons for water ingress. However, the most likely with a wooden building is that either a poor-quality treatment has been used, or there has been no treatment at all. If a treatment has been used, perhaps this has been done in a slapdash way or water based treatment was used. The corners and end grains of timbers are particularly important to treat. If untreated, then water can move throughout the timber with its natural capillary action. As this follows the course of logs across the building, we see water ingress where parts have not been tre… (More)
  • Six Tips On How To Prepare Your Garden Lawn For Spring

    Why do you need to prepare your garden lawn for spring? For one, it reduces the amount of time, energy and money that you spend on your yard in the coming months. Secondly, you get to enjoy a beautiful lawn for a considerable period without the need for maintenance. Thus, if you have been wondering how to prepare your garden lawn for spring, here are some tips that are sure to come in handy. Let’s start with the good news. You may find that there is little you need to do when it comes to preparation, owing to the excellent state of your lawn. In this case, you are sure to have to have an easy time. Also, you may find that you can delay some of the listed processes without damaging your lawn. For this reason, be sure to keep an open mind as you decide what you need. Raking It se… (More)
  • Customer Terry's double BBQ Hut

    Like most people, you might have thought that BBQing was just an activity reserved for a couple of weeks in the summer. A lot of the time, that is the case and no sooner have you taken the BBQ out then it starts raining. Well, with this fantastic double BBQ hut you can be sure of fun days and nights with friends and family at any time of the year. No more BBQs in the wind and rain, guaranteed! A fantastic cabin made from high quality timber with a sizeable 22 metre floorplan. No wonder it might be more than just BBQing you want to do in this gorgeous cabin. Double BBQ Huts We were a little skeptical at first. Would it come two months down the line and take two weeks to put it together? Well, it will be delivered within 8 working days, so in two weeks from now you can have it taking prid… (More)
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