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Price Promise makes no compromise to product quality, but from time to time, we also have the best price on the market for most models in our range. This means you won't find identical products to elsewhere for a better price. In case you do, we will try to beat it.
All you have to do is:
1. Choose the desired product on our website and find a cheaper alternative for it.
2. On our product page, click a link - We'll try to beat it!
3. Fill in the form, and do not forget to add a link to the alternative product and price. This will allow us to verify the alternative offer and confirm it is of equivalent size and quality.Make sure that the prices include any promotional discounts and exclude any extras and services such as delivery or installation.
4. Wait for our reply. Our friendly and professional sales team will get back to you as quickly as possible (usually 1-2 working days).
• We will carefully analyse the competing price offer to see if it really is the same size and quality as ours.
• We reserve the right to refuse this offer at any time.
• Only one price promise is redeemable per household.