Increasingly nowadays people are getting tired of busy metropolitan city life and are deciding to erect a log cabin kit to spend their weekends, holidays or even to use it all year round as a permanent residence. Some people choose to locate their log cabin in the garden, others - on a certain piece of land or on a land plot. If you do not have a plot yet, it is important to take into account the installation of public services and how convenient access will be when choosing one. The plot should be in a dry and sloping place, it is recommended that river and lake valleys and very damp places are avoided. When checking the suitability of the site, the ground water level should be taken into account: it should be at least 1 metre from the ground surface in the wet season (in autumn and spring). The level of the ground water can be measured by digging a pit or making a well. The right amount of ground water will provide good conditions for plants and trees to grow.

If The Plot You Have Is Too Wet
If the ground is too wet, possible solutions would be to install a drainage system, to dig a pond or pits to collect excess water. One of the easiest ways to lower the level of the ground water is to dig out a pond in the lowest part of the plot, which would also function as a fire protection water pool. Alternatively, some technical devices, such as needle filters, can be employed but these are mainly used in large areas.
If the Plot Is on A Slope
It is necessary to find a place flat enough to erect log cabin on it. It is advisable to erect the cabin on the higher part of the site and not in the centre. . If log cabin is placed in the centre of the plot, it will split the area into different spaces and it could prove difficult to lay out the garden and other buildings. Perhaps the best way to figure out log cabin lay out would be to rely on the cardinal directions. You should have the windows of the bedroom on the east side of the building if you want to have the sun’s rays waking you up in the morning. Be aware that the part of the cabin facing north will be in shadow for most of the year, and that's why it is better to avoid having bedrooms and living rooms on this side. The main part of the cabin, the living space, should be on the southern side so that the midday sun fills this part of log cabin with light and also warms it, making it a pleasure to spend the daytime here. And also, when having dinner it’s always nice to see the sun setting through the window, so the best fit for the dining room is facing west.
Fire Safety Requirements
Apart from the above recommendations, there are also strict requirements concerning the positioning of log cabin in order to comply with fire safety regulations. Therefore, you need to consult with local planning authorities first to avoid any fire hazards. Planning permission. There are also certain requirements you have to adhere to if you want to avoid having to apply for planning permission. The general rules regarding planning permission can be found at, however, it is also highly recommended that you double check with local planning authorities.