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How to Choose The Right Place to Erect Your Log Cabin
Increasingly nowadays people are getting tired of busy metropolitan city life and are deciding to erect a log cabin kit to spend their weekends, holidays or even to use it all year round as a permanent residence. Some people choose to locate their log cabin in the garden, others - on a certain piece of land or on a land plot. If you do not have a plot yet, it is important to take into account the installation of public services and how convenient access will be when choosing one. The plot should be in a dry and sloping place, it is recommended that river and lake valleys and very damp places are avoided. When checking the suitability of the site, the ground water level should be taken into account: it should be at least 1 metre from the ground surface in the wet season (in autumn and spri… (More) -
Useful Tips How to Finish Your Cabin
One of the main advantages of wooden log cabins is that they do not require any special finish on the outside or on the inside. The natural timber texture serves as a perfect decoration for this. As the timber used in the manufacturing process is a natural material, a log cabin made from timber 'breathes', eliminating the issue of a feeling of suffocating or dry air in it. Once such a structure has been assembled, it is necessary to paint it and treat it with wood preserver. Timber coated with wood preserver and then painted not only serves an aesthetic purpose but also ensures that the timber is resistant to moisture, rot, insects and fungus. So, it is important you choose a quality wood preserver and paint for your log cabin, especially the outside, and it is highly recommended that… (More) -
About Wooden Log Cabins
Wooden log cabins usually catch one's eye thanks to their low price, quick and easy installation, simple construction and the fact that they can be easily erected and do not require planning permission or if for some reason they do, it is not that difficult to get. Log Cabins' Features Wooden log cabins are very versatile constructions which can be used as a sauna, a residential cabin or guest accommodation, a garden office, gym or a place to store equipment and tools. One of the major advantages of such buildings is the fact that you will either not need planning permission at all or if it is necessary, the procedure of applying for planning permission will be simplified and won’t take long. According to general planning permission requirements, if the building is up to 4 metres high (… (More) -
5 Ways to Prepare Your Wooden House for Winter
As winter approaches frozen guttering, a thick layer of snow on the roof or large hanging icicles can become a reason for concern. Below you can find a few tips which will help you avoid the many problems and expenses that are all related with the winter period in a wooden house. 1. Insulate Water Pipes It is highly recommend that all cellars, garages and other non-heated rooms in which a water pipe system is installed are inspected thoroughly ‒ there could be broken windows, gaps in the walls, doors or shutters which cannot be properly closed. Exposed water pipes in non-heated rooms should be insulated with insulation material. However, insulation material is not always helpful, sometimes it’s a good idea to attach heating cables to the water pipes. 2. Adjust Plastic Windows In… (More) -
How to Prepare Your Garden Cabin for the Winter Period
Timber is a natural material which is sensitive to atmospheric changes. The autumn and winter periods can be the most harmful for any garden cabin wooden construction. The influence of rain, snow, frost and strong sun all affect timber and can damage its structure, shape and exterior look. Melting snow and ice can get into the interior structure of timber. The water freezes again quickly (sometimes within 24 hours), which contributes to the widening of the cracks inside and outside of the timber. This process constantly repeats during the whole period of winter thereby negatively affecting all aspects of the timber and also providing good conditions for mould and rot to emerge. How to Protect Your Garden Cabin? It all starts from the proper preparation of the base of the wood. First… (More) -
8 Tips for Instaling A Bathroom in A Residential Log Cabin
A bathroom is a space which needs to be kept clean and tidy. The question often arises as to how to combine so many elements such as a toilet, a bath, a sink, curtains and a carpet in a neat and interesting way in your residential log cabin. Below are some tips on how to do exactly that. 1. Every Object Has Its Place The location of every object in the bathroom needs to be carefully chosen. To achieve harmony within the bathroom interior it’s a very good idea to divide the bathroom into functional zones. You can do this yourself, just take a sheet of paper and lay out the main bathroom objects on it, don’t forget the small accessories as they are just as important. The next step is to choose appropriate lighting, floor covering and interior colours. 2. What is Better ‒ A Bath or A Showe… (More) -
Lighting Your Log Home in the Darker Months of the Year
With the sometimes gloomy autumn/winter season approaching, many of us think about how to create a cosy and light atmosphere in the wooden log home. Of course it’s not possible to replicate sunlight with artificial light, but it is possible and even necessary to arrange your home lighting in a way that you live through the more ‘gloomier’ times of the year in a much more comfortable way. Even if they don't like big shopping centres, most people would agree that these places become more attractive in autumn/winter evening time. And the reason for it is probably the fact that there is a lot of light inside your house, apartment or log cabin while it is so dark outside. It is known that Northern countries pay a lot of attention to light therapy, however, the positive effects of light are a… (More) -
8 Myths About Log House Floor Heating
Though floor heating is becoming more and more popular in a log house, but there are still some myths which present floor heating as an expensive way of heating and even harmful to people and their pets' health. Here are 8 myths about floor heating: 1 Floor Heating is Expensive In fact, floor heating is the cheapest heating system out of all the heating systems that are currently available. If the floor heating system is installed correctly in a log house and is regulated by thermostats, the room temperature can be reduced by 1-5 degrees, hence reducing heating costs. However, it is very important that the floor heating system is made in a professional manner, otherwise you won't save much. 2 Harmful to People’s Health There is no evidence that floor heating systems have any n… (More) -
9 Reasons Why Wooden House Should Be Treated with Antiseptics
Wood is a natural product and the rotting of wood is a biochemical process which leads to a reduction in wood mass and volume. Wood also changes colour as its mechanical features weaken, resulting in gradual wood deterioration. This process can be stopped when a healthy tree is cut down and turned into building timber. That's why timber as a building material needs to be protected from the weather elements to prevent your residnetial log cabin from deteriorating. Here are 9 reasons why it is necessary to treat the wood with wood antiseptics. 1 Wood Antiseptics Prevent the Wood from Rotting Wood is a material of biological origin, and is used for multiple purposes such as fuel, building material, as a raw material, and food for certain microorganisms. That's why the requirements for w… (More) -
Log Home Garden Care in Autumn: What Do I Do with the Leaves?
Every log home owner knows that as autumn approaches you need to clean your garden in order to successfully prepare for winter and spring. Whether it is necessary to rake from the lawn, sweep a patio or a yard, unblock rain pipes – as the leaves start to fall it becomes a daily job. As can be said for many jobs in your garden, in order to rake leaves you need the correct equipment. There are several types of tools available which take into account the area that needs to rake as to whether it's a garden with tall grass, lawn or yard you’re dealing with around your log home. When tidying your lawn the most practical way is to use a wide range rake with short flexible rods. However, this is not suitable for raking taller grass as the short rods can't get at the deeper leaves in the undergro… (More)