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A holiday home in Eggesin, Germany, that turned out to be a perfect rental guest space

Kathrin and Andreas envisioned owning a holiday rental home that they would be able to rent to their guests and potentially using it as their own retirement home one day.

A family of five, including three daughters, was eager to dive into the project of their lives. The customers wanted every detail to be perfect and fulfilled with the utmost attention to detail.

While Andreas was more of the idea generator and implementor, Kathrin took over the practical part: correspondence, drawings and sourcing.

And the search for the perfect model began…

Kathrin has shared with us that after exploring several companies, she quickly found the model that stood out among others at

 “When it was time to start planning, my eyes fell on the Riviera. I immediately liked the covered terrace and the floor plan with the central living space. I showed it to my husband and said: "If it's a wooden house, then this is the one.” His approval was the starting point of going further” – Kathrin

The family visited the reference house to ensure their selected model was precisely what they sought. And their expectations were indeed met! The house they viewed had some modifications done, and while some were not necessary in their case, they decided to extend the structure by an extra meter to have a more spacious children’s room and bathroom.

The main challenge: proximity to water

Kathrin and Andreas knew they needed to plan carefully and thoroughly, considering the location, climate conditions and the land’s proximity to water, which leads to enhanced flooding risk.

After carefully considering various manufacturers and collecting knowledge from their acquaintances from the construction industry, they knew they had to consider all the details regarding this issue and add outstanding thermal insulation and a solid foundation to avoid dampness inside the house.

According to our customers, the Riviera wooden house, featuring a thoughtful design with custom tweaks, has turned out to be the perfect choice. The family is proud of what they have achieved—Ferienhaus Elmo has become a loved retreat for their guests and a potential home for the owners to settle down after retirement.

This could be your perfect opportunity to try the wooden cabin lifestyle yourself. This stylish guest house awaits those wishing to immerse themselves in a more naturalistic environment and explore what living in a wooden house is like.

The journey of construction

Kathrin shared that they installed the floor frame and all the necessary installations (water, sewage, electricity) themselves. They also treated all the external boards before assembly. After that, the family decided to resort to professional support, as taking care of the remaining assembly stages would have exceeded their dedicated vacation time. Also, the family has hired a roofer, chimney builder, electrician, and stove fitter separately to ensure that all these critical elements of the house are perfectly built.

The final words

Our fundamental goal regarding customer satisfaction is to ensure that it is always met, even when some time has passed. It was interesting to hear Kathrin’s feedback, and we are happy that the family adores their selected house.

 “The effect of the wood inside is still indescribably beautiful. This warmth and the unique charm make it so cosy. The central living room and the embedded terrace are our favourite places. Next time, we would make the house 1m longer, though. “ – Kathrin

Want to build a house like this RIVIERA for personal or business purposes? Our friendly and competent team awaits – do not hesitate to contact us for a bespoke project quote or get one of our stylish and functional ready-to-purchase solutions.

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